General Info
After a rather adventurous journey to reach your destination, remember that the road trip is part of your vacation.
Once you have settled down, explore our farm on foot or bicycle, take some time to appreciate the captivating beauty of your surroundings and enjoy a quiet afternoons fishing at our trout dam located at the top of the farm or our bass pond located in the middle of the farm.
Your four legged fur babies can enjoy a swim at our Doggy dam or simply strike a few golf balls on our driving range.
Deposits and refunds:
Forfeit 100% of your deposit if you cancel within 5 days of Arrival
Forfeit 50% of your deposit if you cancel within 10 days of arrival.
Check in and Check Out.
If you are not up to it, then simply just relax with a cup of coffee on your patio watching the sunrise or spend the day in bed with a good book, nobody is here to judge if you feeling a little lazy, our farm is your home away from home.
Breath in... Breath out.... Relax.. Enjoy...
Chances are you won't see us during your stay as we don't want to intrude and know that you value your privacy. Feel free to contact us should you need any further information or assistance, we are always available to ensure that your stay with us is memorable and enjoyable.
Check In Procedure
Check-In Times are between 14h00 and 19h00, should check-in be required outside these times, please notify us of your preferred time of arrival before hand so that we can make the necessary welcoming arrangements.
We strongly recommend that you arrive before dark as the gravel road may be challenging to navigate at night. Your safe arrival is our priority. It would be great if you could give us an indication of when to expect you.
Check Out Procedure
Our Check-out times from the Cottages are at 10h00, please feel free to stay on the farm to explore as long as you wish.
Should you wish for a later check out time, please make the necessary request with management, we will gladly accommodate you if we are able to do so.

Riverman Cabin is a farm located in the Hamlet of Tonteldoos and therefore accessed via a 27 km gravel road on the preferred route from Dullstroom with an estimated 40min of travel time. (Other routes may require 4x4)
Due to our private, remote and mountainous location, please expect the relevant terrain. The roads are gravel and only for those with a sense of adventure. You can expect a bumpy ride on certain sections and therefore we strongly recommend a high clearance vehicle.
Should you be travelling in a sedan, please take a slow drive up and we suggest that you lower your tyre to 1.9bar (low profile vehicle is not recommended).
Our rainy seasons are in the summer months and the roads may be muddy and slippery, we recommend extra precautionary driving during our wet seasons.
Please try and arrive in daytime to make the navigation on the road easier and to admire the beauty of untouched nature, we promise that your trip up to us will be well worth it.
The best route is to travel to Dullstroom and then to reset your GPS to follow the pin Location, we do not recommend traveling via Stoffberg as this is the route your GPS may direct you.

We provide the following
- Firelighters and matches;
- Dishcloths, dish washing liquid;
- Barbeque Braai, grid and tongs;
- Crisp fresh Bath and Hand towels.
- First nights wood stock for indoor fireplace as well as outside Braai, More wood is available from our woodstock trailer at Main farm house @ R15. per bag
- We have Ice for sale at R15.00 per bag;
- Our crystal clear water at the cottages is safe to drink.

We are pet friendly
- Please bring along your pets own bedding and goodies.
- Spare Bed and couch coverings are available in the cottage to keep our white linen clean. Please let me know if you would like us to switch from our white linen during your stay with your pets.
- Please familiarize your self with out Pet policy available on our Website FAQ Page or upon request.
- We may have guests with other pets on the farm, please make sure that your pet is well socialized and friendly when playing at their own dedicated doggie dam.

Our donkeys
- Our Farm Donkeys are our pets ( Wors -The old grey one, Tjoppie - the Dark Brown ring eyed one, Zoey the snowy white one and Charlie the dark Brown one and Baby Eddie. Unfortunately the pet policy does not apply to them, we have tried, they are stubborn.
- Please make sure your pets are leashed when the donkeys are near, we dont want anyone to get hurt and the Donkeys can deliver a nasty kick.
- Feel free to spoil them with treats, they are picky eaters though.
House rules
A couple things to remember
You have come here to relax, to enjoy the peace and the tranquility and so have our other guests, we ask that you respect the quite, our nature, our farm animals and fellow humans.
For the more lively guests, please feel free to use our Boma and Events Hall areas your your entertainment.
Please note that we have quite time from 21h00 to 09h00.
We are a farm in natures territory, we have bugs, bats, ants and the occasional snakes. Please make sure your pets have the necessary protection against ticks and flees.
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